Student Life

“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.” – Hebrews 10:24

PCS gives students a family feeling: a true extension of their individual homes. Just as siblings naturally spend time together, we offer ways for our students to spend time together. Through corporate worship, becoming friends during outside play time, and participating in drama, chess or a service project, our students are connected to one another. They learn to grow and care for each other, along with defending each other as family.

Prayer Pals & Chapel

On Wednesdays, we gather in the church sanctuary for either chapel or prayer pals.


Setting aside a time to worship, pray, and learn more about Jesus is important to our students’ spiritual growth. Classes take turns leading chapel, or we invite a speaker. It is a special time of community as the entire school gathers together.


A favorite of everyone, younger students are paired with older. The older students learn to be mentors, and the younger students feel a connection to a part of their school world outside their small classroom. It is an extraordinary part of our student life as these pairings develop into true friendships. It is a joy to see them welcome and encourage each other in the halls, at free time, and at special school events.

Extracurricular Activities

While we emphasize the importance of family togetherness, we believe it is important to offer our students the opportunity to participate in extracurricular activities. We also encourage our students to participate in their local community sports leagues.


  • Afternoon Adventures (Available daily from 12:00-3:00pm)
  • Dance (K-3rd)
  • NZone Sports (K-2nd & 3rd-5th)
  • STEAM (2nd & 3rd)


  • Running Club (4th-8th)
  • Art Club (3rd-5th)
  • Drama (5th-8th)
  • Graphic Design (5th-8th)
  • STEAM (4th & 5th)

Community Service

In John 13, Jesus washes the feet of His disciples, then tells them to do the same to each other. This example of serving is one we are privileged to follow at PCS. It is our desire to teach our students to serve others and to listen to the voice of God when He leads them to be selfless. Focus on self is predominant in our culture, so we provide multiple opportunities for service. Twice a year, we build service days into our calendar and curriculum. In addition, we take a school wide field trip to the Feed My Starving Children meal packing location, we pack shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child and have a baby shower for the Gwinnett Pregnancy Center. We also sent care packages this year to Houston after Hurricane Harvey and participated in an Angel Tree project. We encourage our students to serve each other daily by helping with tasks, being kind and noticing specific needs. Our student council is also an area of service. They came up with a recycling program and implement it each week. They also help teachers with various items. We truly believe that this focus on others is a valuable skill to develop and one that is honoring to God!

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